Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Recently I have moved to a place called Sandpiper Mobile hope park and now I am about one mile away from Mulch. When Mulch used to call me while I lived by him and I would be too lazy to go over to his house and would just wait until church too see him. But now I truly see how lazy I was and now it truly takes effort to get to his house. Maybe our friendship will end because of the distance between us... maybe its destiny taking its course.. Maybe ruling the world is a false and hopeless vision... only God knows.. pray for us


Monday, April 13, 2009

Zapata! Estugen!

Ode Estagen por laknah!

Eee lafa nagtoph alaknahs poürd nobeophstophen! Ep laknah! Ep stodén feløden Aaron Feeney bee-låknahp!

Zapata Zapata me nalai afa!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Boredom Posting

Well I am bored right now so I figured that I would make another post... but is that allowed?  Can you post two posts in one day? Am I breaking the rules of a blog? I don't know... I am knew to this stuff and I don't know why I am posting this because I really have nothing important or even entertaining to say.  Well let me think of something... Oh, I have been looking for a job recently and thats been completely unsuccessful so far, but Mulch got a job... but I am going to keep looking until I find a job or just join the Army National Guard.  Its seems appealing to me right now but I am scared of going to boot camp.  I think they would make me cry or feel like a pansy or most likely both would happen.  It would be really cool to learn how to shoot all the guns though and throwing grenades would be pretty epic.  If I join the national guard I want someone to go with me (like Mulch) so that I wouldn't be alone in such a hard time.  But like Mulch said, we will probably start smoking cigarets and cussing like everybody else at bootcamp so we have to be careful. 

anyways have a good day...(even though no one is reading this)


Lost our Password

So the reason that we have not been posting lately besides the fact the we kind of forgot about our blog and have no motivation to post we finally figured out our password and login again.  It took me (Stolz) like a bajillion years to figure it out by sitting there and typing in all the possible combinations of passwords and emails I could think of and I don't really remember what I typed in for the password so hopefully we can remember it. 

But anyways we are back in action.  Be ready